I am excited to invite you for some Quality Time with A Spoon!

Oh, and by the way, it’s completely free!

Event with Alessa Morgan - Quality Time with A Spoon

Have you even been in a situation where you felt like the best thing you can do for yourself in this moment is to relax with something to eat? And not because you're hungry, but because this is what relaxing and feeling better is about?

I certainly have. And not just once in a while but on a daily basis.

Stress, boredom, anxiety, coping mechanism, one constant thing in our lives, - food can be A LOT of things to many of us.

Here's the thing. When I reflect back on my struggles with emotional eating, I ask myself one simple question: what could I tell that version of myself back in these days that would be helpful to me? And I'm not talking about some generic nonsense, but information that would really make a difference and help me to understand myself, and convert this understanding into a tool to take a step towards freedom from overeating.

This is the reason I'm putting together this virtual event. I really want to share some important resources with you, and that's why it's free. Additionally, it's going to be recorded and available after streaming live, - let's face it, it kinda has to be nowadays ;) I know you gotta a life to live, places to be, and things to do, and when you're done with all that… I invite you to take an hour for yourself, and join me to have some virtual quality time together.

The event is going to take place May 14 @1pm EDT and the recording will be emailed to all registered participants shortly after.

I will see you there!

#alessamorgan #wellnessreset #qualitytimewithaspoon


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